Your Thespian COuncil
Click Picture for Bio
What Do we do?
As thespian council, our main goal is to organize and manage events, meetings, and the inner workings of the drama department. We are the leaders and micromanagers of our dramatic peers, and we share the common goal of success for the department and growth and maintenence of the troupe.
Name Grade Position
Dawson Fryer Senior President
Favorite Play and Character
My favorite play to watch is Legally Blonde the Musical, and my favorite
character that I played was Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors. I was the
puppeteer, not the voice, and took weight training for the class. Trust me,
lifting a 70 pound plant for 2 hours every day for a week was the highlight
of my life.
5 Things You Want To Accomplish
Leave behind leaders as I exit my senior year.
Successfully perform and direct a play I’ve cherished for a long time.
Stay organized
Avoid imploding
Make the biggest decision I have thusfar in my life this year. Thanks, college.
3 Mentionable Hobbies
Knitting, duh.
Finding new ways to pester my SO
What is your project for the year?
I am writing a booklet on how to run the department. That’s from elections to tips on posters to scheduling to organization and communication-- anything that could be beneficial.
How did you get involved in drama?
In 6th grade my friend was trying out for NIghtmare Before Christmas. I pretty much said “screw it”, auditioned, got in, and was hooked.
Anything else?
I’m super excited for this year and for leaving a legacy behind. My main goal this year is really to leave leaders behind and to prepare my thespians for the world at large.. I’ve been doing drama since 6th grade, and it’s always been my passion and my life, and to see these people come every day and do what I love to do just makes me want to scream in joy. I don’t know what I would do without theatre in my life or the people I’ve met, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The department has and always will be my home.
When the aliens come to harvest brain stems, who will you save?
Myself. And my succulents.
Name: Grade Position
Chloe Shankland Senior Vice President
Favorite Show (play or musical): Rabbit Hole If you were a youtuber would you be a vlogger, a gamer, a beauty guru, etc?
I think that if I was a youtuber I don't think I would be a vlogger because I'm way too
Favorite Movie: Clueless shy to do that in public and I'm not a talented gamer or makeup artist, so i don’t know know exactly what kind of youtuber I would be... I think that doing reviews would be
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?: fun or like mini documentary series.
I used to dance and I'm involved with student leadership and GSA
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?:
I used to dance and I'm involved with student leadership and GSA
Project for the year?:
I’m not working on anything in particular just making sure our
department is running the best we possibly can.
I spend most of my time doing stuff for school, so when i'm
not I mostly like to spend time watching tv and hanging out with
Name: Grade Position
Riley Vinson Junior Treasurer
Favorite Show (play or musical): Heathers
Favorite Movie: The Monster Squad
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?:
GSA and Leadership
Project for the year?:
This year my “project” is more going to be around fundraising
and I also want to help anyone that wants help.
- drawing
- listening to music
- sleeping
- netflix
Favorite movie quote?
“ Well, we accept the love we think we deserve.”-Perks of Being a Wallflower
Name: Grade Position
London Kirschner Sophomore Secretary
Favorite Show (play or musical): The Last Five Years
Favorite Movie: I don't have one
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?:
I used to be a competitive gymnast
Project for the year?:
My project for the year is to build community throughout the department
- reading
- writing
- journaling
What is your favorite utensil?
My favorite utensil is a spoon, because you can eat more things with spoons that you can with forks.
Name Grade Position
Ryan Skyles Senior Clerk
Favorite Show (play or musical): Don't have one
Favorite Movie: Thor: Ragnarok
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?:
I'm involved in the band program and have been since freshman year
Project for the year?:
My project for the year is to thoroughly keep track of hours so everyone gets what they deserve
- band (trumpet/drum major)
Would you rather eat a lightbulb or play a get to know you game?
I would much rather play a get to know you game then eat a light bulb because as dangerous as knowing other people's information is, eating a light bulb is even more dangerous
Name Grade Position
Romie Avivi Stuhl Junior Historian
Favorite Show (play or musical): Big Fish Dogs for arms or arms for dogs?
Dogs for arms, just imagine being able to go around with little puppies everywhere!
Favorite Movie: Crazy Rich Asians
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?:
I don’t do other activities because theatre is my life
Project for the year?:
My project is to find ways to better advertise our department and outreach
to the community.
- drawing
- dancing
Name Grade Position
Olivia Buist-Thuillier Sophomore Underclassmen Representative
Favorite Show (play or musical): I don't have a favorite but one of my favorites is Beauty and the Beast
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Do/Did you do any other activities besides theatre?:
I have been on the JV soccer team at bhs for the last 2 years and I used to play violin and do highland dancing.
- ukulele
- electric skateboarding
- keeping a bullet journal
What is you favorite vegetable?
I like carrots or steamed brocoli the best. Also, potatoes because there are so many possibilities with potatoes.
Project for the year?:
My project for the year is to make sure that new people joining the department feel welcome and comfortable as well as have fun. The theatre department has always been a place where everyone belongs and I intend to keep it like that.